Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jewellery Beading

Ask me to help you with your jewellery business.

The A-Z Steps to Becoming a Jewelry Designer"

Dear fellow jewellery enthusiast,

If you've ever thought of running your own home based jewelry business then this could be the most important ebook that you will ever need. Let me explain.....

This is perhaps 'the' greatest secret I know on how to build a successful jewelry business from the comfort of your own home. And the best part is, you can start today even if you've never done anything like this before.

You are probably asking yourself... Can I really do this? Yes ! You Can!

There is no doubt in my mind that you can quickly and easily create an income stream by doing something you absolutely love.

All you need to be is to be READY..


My mum is almost 70 years old and she started beading and designing jewellery from semi precious gem stones for me and my sister. We began to understand the powers and secrets of each stone and the meaning of each combinations. Both my sister and I introduced the jewellery sets to our friends. A friend who owns a fashion shop described them as most unique.

Jewellery design from gem stones follows your mood, your temperant and your creativity. Make them unique and customised to your customers.

My mom is so excited! She is designing almost 5 to 6 designs a day and has learnt the internet to search for new designs. Its given her so much happiness! She makes for me and sister, friends and its a business! Its a nice present, dont you think?

So please take a few minutes and you will find the A-Z insider steps to becoming a jewelry designer! And an Entreprenuer at the same time!

Click Here to get a copy for the Secrets of becoming a jewellery designer and creating your own business!

Jewellery from Gemstones

Jewellery made from gemstones are an absolue delight. Bracelets, earrings and necklaces made from gemstones are natural, from the earth. And each stone has a special meaning and must be treated with care.

Many precious and semiprecious stones are used for jewellery. Among them are:

Amethyst: Amethyst has historically been the most prized gemstone in the quartz family. It is treasured for its purple hue, which can range in tone from light to dark.

Amerthyst is a beautiful and powerful crystal stone for its healing and cleansing powers and has a sobering effect. It is used to relieve physical,, emotional and psychological pain or stress.

Jasper: Jasper is a gemstone of the chalcedony family that comes in a variety of colours. Often, jasper will feature unique and interesting patterns within the coloured stone. Picture jasper is a type of jasper known for the colours (often beiges and browns) and swirls in the stone’s pattern.

Quartz: Quartz refers to a family of crystalline gemstones of various colours and sizes. Among the well-known types of quartz are rose quartz (which has a delicate pink colour), and smoky quartz (which comes in a variety of shades of translucent brown). A number of other gemstones — like Amethyst and Citrine — are also part of the quartz family. Rutilated quartz is a popular type of quartz containing needle-like inclusions.

Quartz is often referred to as the most powerful healing powers. Rose quartz is a stone for unconditional love and infinite peace.

Citrine is often linked to wealth creation.

Gemstones like pearls, coral, and amber are classified organic, as they are produced by living organisms. Others are inorganic, meaning that they are generally composed of and arise from minerals.

Some man-made gems can serve in place of natural gems, an example is the cubic zirconia, used in place of the diamond.